Send an email to your employer
To get your super paid into your account, you can send the email template below to your employer:
Australian Ethical
(new members & member/account numbers starting with '1') |
Former Christian Super (member/account numbers starting with '3' or '4') |
You may also need to provide a:
You may also need to provide a: |
Template not working?
Give your employer these details
Australian Ethical (new members & member/account numbers starting with '1') |
Former Christian Super |
AET0100AU | CHR0001AU |
49 633 667 743 | 49 633 667 743 |
Fund Name |
Australian Ethical Super | Australian Ethical Super (former Christian Super members) |
Phone number |
1800 021 227 | 1800 021 227 |
Fund address |
Locked Bag 20013
Locked Bag 5073
Parramatta NSW 2124 |
Not a member?
If you haven’t joined us yet, the process is easy – head over to our application form, become a member and you can then provide the information we send you to your employer.
We’re here to help
If you have any questions about this information, please contact our team who can give you a hand.
For full information on how your employer makes contributions, plus other important info you need to know, visit our Employer contributions page.