Grow your super balance through Super Guarantee
If you have an employer, one easy way to grow your super balance is to make sure they’re paying your Super Guarantee (SG for short) into your preferred super account. If you’re changing jobs, don’t forget to set this up with your new employer!
SG is the regular contributions that your employer is required to make into a super fund on your behalf. The amount is based on a percentage of your salary and is set by the Australian Government.
As of 1 November 2021, your existing super fund is now ‘stapled’ to you, moving with you if you change jobs. This has been implemented to reduce people paying fees and insurance premiums on unwanted duplicate accounts.
How does it work?
When starting a new job, your super contributions must be paid to:
- Your chosen fund (find out how to nominate us as your chosen fund), or
- Your stapled fund (if you have not made a choice), or
- Your employer’s default fund (if you have not made a choice and don’t have a stapled fund).

Am I entitled to super?
Generally, you’re entitled to receive SG contributions if you’re an employee and aged 18 or over. Those under 18 are required to work more than 30 hours per week to be entitled to receive SG contributions.
From 1 July 2022, eligible employees who earn less than $450 per month will be paid super guarantee by their employer if they satisfy the other eligibility requirements.
If you think you’re not getting paid the correct amount of super, discuss it with your employer or visit the ATO website to recover missed or unpaid super.
Super Guarantee rate
From 1 July 2024, the SG amount increased a further 0.5% from 11% to 11.5% of your salary. This is part of a staged approach to increase the SG amount to 12% by 2025 to help boost your retirement savings.
Below is the staged approach from 2021 to 2025:
Date | SG% |
1 July 2021 | 10% |
1 July 2022 | 10.5% |
1 July 2023 | 11% |
1 July 2024 | 11.5% |
1 July 2025 | 12% |
Send an email to your employer
To get your super paid into your account, you can send the email template below to your employer:
Australian Ethical
(new members & member/account numbers starting with '1') |
Former Christian Super (member/account numbers starting with '2', '3' or '4') |
You may also need to provide a:
You may also need to provide a: |
Alternatively, give your employer these details
Australian Ethical (new members & member/account numbers starting with '1') |
Former Christian Super |
AET0100AU | CHR0001AU |
49 633 667 743 | 49 633 667 743 |
Fund Name |
Australian Ethical Super | Australian Ethical Super (former Christian Super members) |
Phone number |
1800 021 227 | 1800 021 227 |
Fund address |
Locked Bag 20013
Locked Bag 5073
Parramatta NSW 2124 |
If you’re not already an Australian Ethical member, join us and then provide your employer with the above details.
Things you should know:
Your employer is not liable for the performance of the super fund you or they nominate
You shouldn't seek financial advice from your employer unless they are licensed to provide it
Your employer has two months after you send them the email to action your request